Darling, you must sleep early and get up on time so the sun doesn't get to I miss you so much, baby—much love from me to you" "Our love has gone through a lot of hurdles, and with this, I'm confident of better days ahead Nothing compares to what and how I feel for you, and no distance can come between the love we shareReason why I miss you so much, my baby Good morning I am reminded of you each time the breezes blow I miss you, love Good morning, my true love The day my heart stops missing you will be the day I stopped loving you May that day never come Good morning, my love, I miss you 84
Good night baby i love you so much
Good night baby i love you so much- The good night paragraph is an amazing way to make your bae's day complete and fall asleep with dreams about you You are the one for me When I fall asleep, my last wish is to hold you in my arms From the moment I wake up in the morning to the second I lay down my head, every thought that I have is for you I love you so much, babe Good night No matter how bad my day is, everything suddenly become alright when you wrap your arms around me and tell me that you love me Good night, darling I love you If I had one wish, it would be to be with you this night and feel your lips against mine I miss you so much, babe Good night

You'd be like Heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much At long last love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off you I love you, baby, And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby, Good night, see you soon" "Hey, I know it's late, and we should probably be heading to bed soon But before that, I just want to say how much I love you, and how much I miss you Damn, wish you were here right now Can't wait for the night to go away so I can see you tomorrow Good night"It seems too good to be real I wish you were here with me now So I could kiss those soft lips of yours I'd caress your beautiful face And prove that I love you more I want to fall asleep next to you every night And wake up every morning knowing You'll be the first thing in my sight
Good night to you Good night my princess, Wish you have lots of dreams tonight, Dreams about me, Dreams that you see of our destiny Wish you have a beautiful night, With some of my thoughts tonight I love you so much Wish you a good night!45 Be free to sleep like a baby I'll be here to watch over you unwaveringly 46 I love you so much, even the night never fails to let it show Good night, baby 47 Make a list of your desires tonight, and I'll be your dream come true when the morning is here 48 The night can never overshadow my love for you It will always be there as72 Loving you makes life worth living I'll love you now and in the life to come I love you so much, baby 73 I can't explain how someone like you fell in love with me Sometimes, it feels like this is all a dream I love you with all my existence 74
Explore Lindakaye's board "Good night love images" on See more ideas about good night love images, good night, night loveI can't get tired of having more and more of your love Good night my dear love Sun is upset and the moon is happy, because the sun is missing you, and the moon is gonna be with you for the rest of the night, have a wonderful night Sweet dreams my love I love you I miss you so much

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